Trying to authenticate against a third party, I want to cache my returned JWT as long and robust as possible. (the expiration might change for example)
I wanted to use the getOrSet
function of Yii::$app->cache
in a more elaborate manner, but it is not possible to set the duration
dynamically depending on the token expiry
when handling everything within the callable
Am I missing anything in the Yii2 cache function here? Or is there a better library to cache my tokens that also supports passing a callable that retrieves the token?
My current code sample:
function getAccesToken($url)
$cacheKey = 'login-token-' . $url;
$token = Yii::$app->cache->get($cacheKey);
// check if token is still valid (!== null)
// and is not expired using the loadToken function of bizley/jwt
// which returns null if token can not be validated
// if valid a Lcobucci\JWT\Token is returned
if ($token !== false && (new bizley\jwt\Jwt())->loadToken($token, true, false) !== null) {
return $token;
$token = getTheJwtFromHttpEndpoint();
// check if returned token is valid
// returns a Lcobucci\JWT\Token if valid, null otherwise
$token = (new bizley\jwt\Jwt())->loadToken($response, true, false);
if ($token === null) {
throw new \Exception('Invalid token received');
return Yii::$app->cache->getOrSet(
fn () => $token->toString(),
// set the cache duration oriented by the expiration claim and a one minute leeway
$token->claims()->get('exp')->getTimestamp() - (new \DateTime())->getTimestamp() - 60
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