Is it possible to extract the first item from a list of RSS feeds (ie from different sites) and display them together on one page, using PHP?
So far I'm using the code below, which works for a single feed, but I have no idea how to add more feeds and echo their first item. But I'd like to add more feeds besides verticalonline.
$rss_feed = simplexml_load_file("");
if (!empty($rss_feed)) {
$i = 0;
foreach ($rss_feed->channel->item as $feed_item) {
if ($i == 1) {
else {
echo " <item> \n";
echo " <title>".$feed_item->title."</title>\n";
echo " <link><![CDATA[".preg_replace("(^https?://)", "", $feed_item->link )." ]]></link>\n";
echo " <category>".$feed_item->category."</category>\n";
echo '<pubDate>'.$feed_item->pubDate.' GMT</pubDate>'."\r\n";
echo " <description><![CDATA[ ".mb_strimwidth(trim(preg_replace(['/<[^>]*>/','/\s+/'],' ', $feed_item->description)), 0, 250, ' ...')." ]]></description>\n";
if ($feed_item->enclosure)
echo '<enclosure url="'.$feed_item->enclosure->attributes()->url.'" type="image/jpeg" length="1967"/>'."\r\n";
echo '<enclosure url="'.rand(0,25).'" type="image/jpeg" length="1967"/>'."\r\n";
echo " </item>\n";
$i ++;
I imagine I'll need an array, but this is above my noob php knowledge. Please help.
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