I'm looping through a multidimensional array and am left with some values.
This is the complete PHP code.
* Each designer is required 3x per week,
* add their name 3 times to allow for the count.
* [array_pop] removes the designer from the sub-array
* u[sort($designers, "sortByTotalItems")] then moves the designers with more names remaining to the top of the list
* @var [type]
$designers = array(
[ "Aaron Summers", "Aaron Summers", "Aaron Summers" ],
[ "Adam Smart", "Adam Smart", "Adam Smart" ],
[ "Andrew Montgomery", "Andrew Montgomery", "Andrew Montgomery" ],
[ "Dave Robertson", "Dave Robertson", "Dave Robertson" ],
[ "Holly Colby", "Holly Colby", "Holly Colby" ],
[ "Karen Fok", "Karen Fok", "Karen Fok" ],
[ "Kieran Lintott", "Kieran Lintott", "Kieran Lintott" ],
[ "Rebecca Roffey", "Rebecca Roffey", "Rebecca Roffey" ],
[ "Sonia Tam", "Sonia Tam", "Sonia Tam" ],
[ "Steffi Wallace", "Steffi Wallace", "Steffi Wallace" ],
[ "Taz Patel", "Taz Patel", "Taz Patel" ]
* Store the original designers to reset them once empty
* @var [type]
$designers_bak = $designers;
* Generate an array of string dates between 2 dates
* @param string $start Start date
* @param string $end End date
* @param string $format Output format (Default: Y-m-d)
* @return array
function getDatesFromRange( $start, $end ) {
$array = array();
$interval = new DateInterval('P1D');
$realEnd = new DateTime($end);
$period = new DatePeriod(new DateTime($start), $interval, $realEnd);
foreach($period as $date) {
$dayOfWeek = $date->format('l');
if ( $dayOfWeek != 'Saturday' && $dayOfWeek != 'Sunday' ) {
$array[] = $date->format('Y-m-d');
return $array;
* Sort the array into sub-arrays that contain the most values
* array(
* array('name', 'name', 'name')
* array('name', 'name')
* array('name')
* )
* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7433569/php-sort-a-multidimensional-array-by-number-of-items#answer-7433753
function sortByTotalItems($a, $b) {
if ($a == $b) {
return 0;
return (count($a) > count($b)) ? -1 : 1;
* Get the total amount of days in this week 1-5
* @var [type]
$days_at_work = 3;
$total_days_in_week = 5;
$assigned_total = floor(count( $designers ) * $days_at_work / $total_days_in_week);
* Each day
* @var [type]
$working_weeks = array_chunk(getDatesFromRange('09-06-2021', '09-06-2022'), $total_days_in_week);
$given_designer = array();
foreach ( $working_weeks as $working_days ) {
* Reset the designers
* @var [type]
foreach ( $working_days as $working_day ) {
* Randomise the designers
* @var [type]
shuffle( $designers );
* Sort the shuffle, so the sub-arrays count is descending
* array(
* array('name', 'name', 'name')
* array('name', 'name')
* array('name')
* )
* @var [$designers]
$designers = array_filter(array_map('array_filter', $designers));
usort($designers, "sortByTotalItems");
* Add designer to the working day
* @var [type]
$forcount = ( count($designers) < $assigned_total ) ? count($designers) : $assigned_total;
for ($d=0; $d < $forcount; $d++) {
* Add designer to the days visit
* @var [type]
$given_designer[] = array(
"title"=> $designers[$d][0],
"start"=> $working_day
* Remove the name from the names array -1 each loop
* @var [type]
* remove empty arrays so we can count the remaining designers
* If there are less than 1 weeks worth of designers, reset the variable
$current_designers = array_filter(array_map('array_filter', $designers));
if ( count($current_designers) < $assigned_total ) {
$designers = $designers_bak;
Below is what I'm left with after the loops and array_pop.
Let's call this array1
array ( 0 => array ( ),
1 => array ( ),
2 => array ( ),
3 => array ( ),
4 => array ( 0 => 'Aaron Summers', ),
5 => array ( 0 => 'Taz Patel', ),
6 => array ( 0 => 'Sonia Tam', ),
7 => array ( 0 => 'Adam Smart', ),
8 => array ( 0 => 'Andrew Montgomery', ),
I then reset the array with the original values:
Let's call this array2
array ( 0 => array ( 0 => 'Aaron Summers', 1 => 'Aaron Summers', 2 => 'Aaron Summers', ),
1 => array ( 0 => 'Adam Smart', 1 => 'Adam Smart', 2 => 'Adam Smart', ),
2 => array ( 0 => 'Andrew Montgomery', 1 => 'Andrew Montgomery', 2 => 'Andrew Montgomery', ),
3 => array ( 0 => 'Dave Robertson', 1 => 'Dave Robertson', 2 => 'Dave Robertson', ),
4 => array ( 0 => 'Holly Colby', 1 => 'Holly Colby', ),
5 => array ( 0 => 'Karen Fok', 1 => 'Karen Fok', 2 => 'Karen Fok', ),
6 => array ( 0 => 'Kieran Lintott', 1 => 'Kieran Lintott', 2 => 'Kieran Lintott', ),
7 => array ( 0 => 'Rebecca Roffey', 1 => 'Rebecca Roffey', 2 => 'Rebecca Roffey', ),
8 => array ( 0 => 'Sonia Tam', 1 => 'Sonia Tam', 2 => 'Sonia Tam', ),
9 => array ( 0 => 'Steffi Wallace', 1 => 'Steffi Wallace', 2 => 'Steffi Wallace', ),
10 => array ( 0 => 'Taz Patel', 1 => 'Taz Patel', 2 => 'Taz Patel', ),
How would I be able to re-order the items in array2 based on the people left in array1 ?
array2 is the total size of the array and the array in its original form, before I have looped through and used array_pop() to remove the name.
source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67909656/move-2nd-level-sub-array-to-the-top-of-the-1st-level-multidimentional-array-base
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